Monday, May 16, 2011

Celing/Inside/Watch out

Yes it is a plunger on the Celing

Coins INSIDE the money pig

..........Watch out for Daniel..You don't know were the plunger has been..


  1. I love the abstract feeling that the first two have. I like the gradient that the light has over the ceiling and the colour is cool. Would it have been nice to have the hand in focus too? (Just a thought)
    The framing on the second one is really nice.
    Haha just think daniel is super scary and would not like to see him in a dark ally with a plunger.

  2. Yes I agree the hand in focus would of been neat, It was a tad hard with Daniel balancing off the edge of the bed and jumping to get it to touch the roof haha.If i was to do it againg i would get the hand still.
    Thanks sarah!

  3. Well that just makes it more interesting the story behind it haha.
